On Friday, August 6, the House of Representatives rolled out their version of the budget for the biennium. On Monday, August 9, salary appropriation for state employees was launched as a separate announcement but a part of the total appropriation package. We are pleased to report that legislators listened and worked to include the PENC Big 3
https://9e1ac811-d6fa-41de-a749-9d10f5ce078a.filesusr.com/ugd/d2c0c6_6cdea5b7b13647578ee49043fef73f44.pdf priorities which includes salary increases, educator accountability concessions and a piece that will include Health Insurance for newly hired employees at their retirement.
PENC is proud of the hard work put in to communicate, collaborate and create common ground with the General Assembly on these priorities that are important to our members. We want to make sure that members understand that ground has been broken with steps toward making teachers whole again, but there will be much more work that is needed to accomplish an ideal goal of regaining the respect and compensation that is deserved.
This alert will be accompanied by a Legislative Update that will reference more specific language pertaining to the Education components of the House budget.