As promised, here is the second report detailing other education items found in the state budget that impacts K-12 education. We also included a link at the bottom of this update to the chart in the state budget showing the new teacher salary schedule. In addition, we will certainly have questions about the appropriation designated to assist with local supplements, and we will keep you posted as a better understanding of this budgetary appropriation comes to light.
Additional budget items of interest to educators:
Creates provisions which will hold harmless LEAs to prevent funding decreases if their student enrollment drops.
Provides monies for an additional 115 school psychologist positions, at least one per LEA.
Increases the funding cap for children with disabilities from 12.75% to 13%.
Increases overall funding for children with disabilities programs and AIG programs.
Raises the reimbursement rate for childcare centers and Pre-K programs by 4% over the 2-year budget cycle.
Allocates $20 million in federal funds for grants for childcare centers and Pre-K classrooms for capital and other needs and improvements.
Increases Smart Start funding by 10 million in each year of the biennium.
Allocates nearly $2 million in additional monies to increase classroom supply allotments.
Allocates nearly 150 million over the 2-year budget for increases for the needs-based public school capital fund and sets aside $800,000 in new monies for counties to address building repairs and remodeling of educational facilities over the budget period.
Increases the salary limits for families to apply for the Opportunity Scholarship program while modestly increasing the voucher formula to address school choice costs.
Terminates the Innovative School District (ISD).
Allows teachers to transfer personal leave days between local school administrative units. In addition, teachers will receive full salary for personal leave days provided that a reason is given.
The New Teacher Salary Schedule Link below
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