Here at PENC we are always trying to find the best internet resources available for educators. If you have a suggestion for a helpful link to add to the PENC website, please email us at
Here you can find: the State Salary Manual, State Salary Schedules, Local Salary Supplements, etc.
Protocol and procedures for school personnel.
The NCAC Testing Code of Ethics.
Over 1,500 inspirational teaching videos provided by Teaching Channel .
A list of possible responses to student misbehavior.
Suggested classroom strategies & modifications for specific behaviors.
Tips for dealing with a problem administrator.
10 tips to for teachers to deal with difficult parents effectively.
Collaborative relationship tips.
ERIC provides free access to more than 1.2 million bibliographic records of journal articles and other education-related materials and, if available, includes links to full text. ERIC is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences (IES).
FREE was originally conceived in 1997 by a federal working group and launched a year later. It was redesigned and relaunched for the first time in November 2006. FREE makes it easier to find teaching and learning resources from the federal government. More 1,500 federally supported teaching and learning resources are included from dozens of federal agencies. FREE is among the most popular K-12 websites maintained by the U.S. Department of Education because of the many great resources being offered by participating federal agencies.
The National Archives’ gateway for resources about primary sources, activities and training for educators and students is called the Digital Classroom. It is a great resource for both educators and students alike!
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), located within the U.S. Department of Education and the Institute of Education Sciences, is the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education. seeks to raise awareness about the teaching profession and create a new generation of educators to enter the classroom. The website includes testimonials from teachers, information on teacher-preparation programs and an interactive tool to help prospective educators figure out how to become certified teachers based on interests, education level and preferred settings.
ABC Teach is a wonderful website that offers ideas and activities for teachers and students, printable activity sheets, project helpers, flashcards, decorations, puzzles and more.
The White House and the Federal Department of Education have released a number of materials to help educate the public about the ESSA, including:
a White House fact sheet on ESSA;
a White House report on progress made in elementary and secondary education and how ESSA will cement that progress;
Secretary Duncan’s blog post, “Finally a Fix to No Child Left Behind;”
Director of the White House Domestic Policy Council Cecilia Munoz’s blog post, “What You Need to Know About the Fix to No Child Left Behind” (with a side-by-side comparison of NCLB, ESEA flexibility, and ESSA);
excerpts from the Secretary’s prepared remarks at the Learning Forward conference; and
a Dear Colleague letter from both Secretary Duncan and incoming Acting Secretary King on ESSA.
For additional information please visit the ESEA website at or click here to view Carol’s article on ESSA in our winter edition of The Voice.
Barnes and Noble offers a variety of resources for educators, from classroom materials to fundraising opportunities.
Educators are eligible for the B&N Educator Program. This card offers discounts of 20% off the list price on all purchases for classroom use. Applications are available at all B&N stores or online, and signing up is completely free. You’ll need to show proof of your educator status when you submit your application.
Since 1994 Classroom Connect has been helping teachers use technology to improve learning. Classroom Connect’s high quality professional development programs and online instructional materials meet the changing needs of K-12 school districts nationwide. Classroom connect provides: K-12 educational resources, interactive databases and a newsletter, you can participate in online projects from around the world, and you can find pen-pals for your students.
A quick guide (with printables) to classroom management covers setup and organization, rules and procedures, rewards and consequences and maintaining effective classroom management throughout the year.
The Discovery Education provides innovative teaching materials for teachers, including vocabulary, questions and activities to help to enhance what you are already doing in the classroom. The site is constantly reviewed for educational relevance by practicing classroom teachers in elementary school, middle school, and high school. is a nonprofit that connects public school teachers with people who want to support classroom learning. provides an avenue for public school teachers to submit project requests for the specific materials their students need to learn. Once a project is funded, the materials are delivered directly to the school. In return, teachers submit photos of the project in use and thank-you notes from students, which are then sent to the project’s donors.
Education Week is the American educator’s newspaper of record. Whose primary mission is to help raise the level of awareness and understanding among professionals and the public of important issues in American education. Education Week covers local, state, and national news and issues from preschool through the 12th grade.
The Educator’s Reference Desk provides 2,000+ lesson plans written and submitted to AskERIC by teachers from all over the United States, 3,000+ links to online education information, and 200+ question archive responses.
The George Lucas Educational Foundation (GLEF) was founded in 1991 as a nonprofit operating foundation to celebrate and encourage innovation in schools. Since that time, they have been documenting, disseminating, and advocating for exemplary programs in K-12 public schools to help these practices spread nationwide. They publish the stories of innovative teaching and learning through a variety of media — a magazine, an e-newsletter, CD-ROMs, DVDs, books, and this Web site. Here, you’ll find detailed articles, in-depth case studies, research summaries, instructional modules, short documentary segments, expert interviews, and links to hundreds of relevant resources. You’ll also be able to participate as a member of an online community of people actively working to reinvent schools for the twenty-first century.
Global Exploration for Educators Organization (GEEO) is a 501c3 non-profit organization that runs summer professional development travel programs designed for teachers. Educators have the option to earn graduate school credit and professional development credit while seeing the world. The trips are 8 to 24 days in length and GEEO provides teachers educational materials and the structure to help them bring their experiences into the classroom. Trips are open to all nationalities of K-12 and university educators and administrators, as well as retired educators.
GCF LearnFree is a non-profit funded by the Goodwill Community Foundation of Eastern NC that provides free online classes to educators that deal with Microsoft Office programs. Each class offers 1-1.1 CEU’s upon completion. All of the classes can be used for teaching license renewal in North Carolina.
The Khan Academy is a not-for-profit with the goal of changing education for the better by providing a free world-class education to anyone anywhere. The Khan Academy’s materials and resources, which includes a library of over 3,000 videos and 317 practice exercises, are available completely free of charge. Explore their teacher toolkit and other classroom resources at
LEARN NC, a program of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Education, provides lesson plans, professional development, and innovative web resources to support teachers, build community, and improve K-12 education in North Carolina.
Learn about national board certification for teachers.
NCCAT is a recognized national leader in professional development programming for teachers. Established by the state legislature in 1985, NCCAT provides a year-round curriculum of intensive cross-disciplinary seminars in the sciences, arts, humanities, technology, leadership, communication, and health and wellness. NCCAT is a place where teachers “advance teaching as an art and a profession” through a wide range of experiential study and learning opportunities. NCCAT keeps good teachers teaching.
Discover the advantages of earning renewal credit online. LEARN NC online professional development lets participants work and learn at a time and location most convenient to them, while fostering a comfortable, welcoming learning community through continual communication and discussion.
The North Carolina School Report Cards Web site offers a collection of up-to-date data about student achievement and attendance, class size, school safety, teacher quality, school technology and other topics of interest to parents and others in the school community. The site was developed to provide the big and small pictures for many of the critical components of our students’ educational experience.
The North Carolina Virtual Public School (NCVPS) is committed to raising achievement and closing learning gaps with 21st century innovation by providing access to world class learning opportunities for all North Carolina students. They provide the vehicle for school districts to accomplish the State Board of Education’s goals of producing 21st century learners, professionals, leaders, and systems by providing easily accessible, online learning opportunities for the state’s children. NCVPS’s mission is to provide skills, student support, and opportunities for 21st century learners to succeed in a globally competitive world.
PBS Teachers provides a vast array of resources, including: resources by curricular subject, topic and grade level and standard; in-depth online professional development through PBS TeacherLine; details on PBS station outreach activities in your community; tips on how to effectively teach with technology; PBS television programs with extended taping rights for educators; access to convenient online shopping for your favorite PBS videos; convenient tools for teaching, such as recommended books and Web sites; interdisciplinary teaching suggestions; free weekly electronic newsletter highlighting new TV and online programming from PBS; and much more! is provided as a free study aid to students having to take the PRAXIS II Exam. It was inspired by the trials and tribulations of some former test takers that wished there were more free resources online for students to use. PRAXIS II Test Questions offers free PRAXIS II practice test questions and PRAXIS II exam information to students preparing for the PRAXIS II test.
A list of online colleges in North Carolina.